Let’s talk about toxin.
There are few type of toxins and we're talking about not directly life-threatening ones but the ones that we usually carry around in our body and don’t really know what it does or how it can affect our lifestyle.
A toxin is a chemical substance which harm our organism and body, internally and externally. Our body can accumulate various toxins in many ways, mostly from naturally or synthetically in our environment.

Sometimes the body gets exposed or tends to accumulate the toxins, that it becomes a necessity to eliminate them from the body. The body is naturally designed to process and eliminate toxins. The organs that are employed for the elimination of these chemicals are the kidneys, the liver, colon, skin and lungs. Toxins from the body are rid through urine, feces, perspiration and exhalation.
The symptoms of long term accumulated toxins in our system could vary between peoples but most of the common indications are:
Problems in the Gastrointestinal tract
Imbalance in the Hormonal levels
Inflammatory Conditions
Problems Related to the Skin
Cognitive Problems
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Insomnia
Sensitivity towards certain food products or chemicals
Body odor
Detox with Remedial Massage Therapy
How can a Remedial massage therapy help detoxifying your body?

1. Lymphatic Drainage Massage: Lymphatic drainage massage is a perfect technique for many people, especially to those who have condition such as fluid retention, lymphoedema, or lost of lymph nodes after surgical operation. However, it is also a perfect tool to use to detox your body by enhancing the body fluid circulation, increase the chance of removing toxins from the lymphatic system.

2. Cupping Therapy: Cupping therapy is one of the tools that I love using, they work deep into many layers of our tissue (literally) with decompressed cups and it is a perfect way to draw out toxins from the deeper layer of the connective tissue.
3. Rhythmical and Relaxing Soft Tissue Massage: Just an ordinary soft tissue massage can bring great change to our peripheral nervous system and vascular system.
Reducing stress is a golden key to help many conditions and in this case, calming the nervous system and reducing heart pressure will reduce stress which increases ability of the main detoxing organs process, such as liver, colon and kidneys.
More Ways for Getting Rid of Toxin
Hydrate enough. Water cleanses and eliminates the toxins through sweat or urine.
Sauna. Another way to eliminate toxins through sweat.
Detoxifying food. Enough fiber in your diet to help with digestion.
Stress reducing activity, such as yoga, massage, or meditation.
Detox by eating clean organic fruits.
Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and caffeinated drinks.

Now that we know these simple ways how to remove unwelcomed toxin in our body and to keep up with our Remedial massage therapy to enhance the result, we can be healthier and fresher to start 2022 without carrying unnecessary toxin!
Written by Seonkyo Kim; Dip RMT
Harmonize Body Works
